Dubai Ladies Night Offers: Torno Subito Review

Torno Subito desert

Dubai Ladies Night Offers at Torno Subito

Recently, my friends and I ventured to Torno Subito’s ‘Ciao Belle Night,’ a promise of the one of the best ladies night offers in Dubai, an evening of endless pizza, pasta, and prosecco. Situated in the W Hotel on the Palm, Torno Subito boasts a Michelin-starred Italian dining experience. With a price tag of only 199 AED each, it sounded like a win-win!



Torno Subito Decor

Entering the restaurant is really quite fun, vibrant coloured with bold black lines. Quirky details all around, creating a relaxed atmosphere that’s far from posh and stuffy.



Seaside Views

Step outside, and bam! The seaside views from the bright and funky seating were simply stunning. It definitely felt like a relaxed dining spot.

Pizza e Pasta Party

Now, onto the carb overload! So, the waiter arrives with a fairly big menu, and we’re expecting to choose from it. Nope! They bring the entire menu to share at the table – a pizza and pasta lover’s dream come true! Pizzas with simple toppings that just worked, and the pastas, risotto, and gnocchi? Absolutely delicious. We feasted like there was no tomorrow, and trust me, there were plenty of leftovers for days!

The drinks went down well too; the peach and prosecco was surprisingly easy to drink, not too sweet, so we ordered quite a few of those! A slight negative was that the service wasn’t very attentive with the drinks, but we made ourselves seen, haha.


Best ladies night offer Dubai at Torno Subito lots of pizza


Best ladies night offers Dubai Torno Subito pasta


Sweet Endings

For dessert, out came impressive Tiramisubito, a Torno Subito twist on tiramisu. It was most definitely an Instagram-worthy moment as we cracked through the coffee top. While not the best tiramisu I’ve ever had, it was undeniably tasty.


Best ladies night offers Dubai , Tiramisu


Best Dubai ladies night offer?

Absolutely, but let’s keep it real. Despite the Michelin recommendation, it’s more of a regular dining spot than a fine dining experience. Good food, chill vibes, and service that’s just okay. Set your expectations for a relaxed dining spot, with comfort-level food, and you’ll be pleased.

We enjoyed a delightful feast, everything was on point, and even with a few waiter waves, the AED 199 price tag felt fair. The place is stunning and I had a fun night out with the girls!

I’d like to clarify that I am not affiliated with the restaurant in any way. However, if you’re interested in trying it out, the Torno Subito Ladies Night is available on Tuesdays from 6:30 pm to 11 pm. Ladies pay AED 199, while gentlemen pay AED 299. You can book your spot here. – Ciao Bella Ladies Night.

Feel free to drop a comment below if you come across any other fantastic Dubai Ladies Night Offers, sharing is caring!


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